Thursday, November 1, 2007

Launch of Summary of Deposits Section

Halloween is over, the leaves are beginning to drop and the ocean is starting to get "that" color.

What a great way to start November with the launch of our Summary of Deposits section. We had a lot of fun putting it together. Of course, it is completely RSS based with feeds that you can add to your blogs, personalized web pages and feed readers.

Starting with the National Summary, you can sort by state, number of institutions, number of offices, and total deposits. Click on a state and you will get a list of all the institutions in the state, their number of offices, their total deposits in that state, and percentage of deposits in the state. Click on a hyperlinked institution, and you will get detailed financials of that institution.

That took Marian a day and a half from whiteboard to publishing. Shows what a great techie-business owner can do.

We've got our eyes on a couple of XML based products, one is a flash map based product and the other is dashboard software. Once we save our pennies, will take on a totally different dimension.

We are looking forward to providing you with a positive internet experience and thank-you for visiting Remember feedback is always welcome.


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